Source:KLOS Radio- Heidi on Erik's face, at KLOS Radio. |
"News Theater: Heidi Sits on Erik's Face"
KLOS Radio
"VIDEO: News Theater: Heidi Sits on Erik's Face"
I didn't get on YouTube at all until early 2009 when I finally got my first laptop computer ( I know, I was late to the dance ) because I wanted to get into blogging and finally created my own YouTube channel. Which I only use to view YouTube videos and still haven't uploaded my own video yet. And I only created my own YouTube channel because I wanted to comment on a video and they told me I had to create my own channel to do that. The whole process took like two minutes and I didn't think anything of it until I realized I had my own YouTube channel which showed my latest YouTube activity and people replying to my comments. I was very new to the who whole social media scene to begin with.
Anyway to make a long story short or actually turn a book into a few sentences, I started searching online and came across what someone called Katja videos. JeansSitting, which are basically soft to medium porn videos of these very beautiful and a lot of cases gorgeous and yet baby-face women, with beautiful bodies and they're all wearing these skin-tight jeans that are so tight with the women's bodies being so tight that if you whipped them in the legs or butt while they're wearing these skin-tight jeans, they might not notice it.
These denim jeans for the most part and in some cases skin-tight leather jeans that Jim Morrison or Joan Jett would be proud of, are so tight they almost look bulletproof. And all these women are also wearing tight long leather boots as well. And they would be wearing either very tight short t-shirts, tank-tops, and in some cases corsages as well.
So, to get to what this is about, there was or there might still be an adult entertainment website called JeansSitting. com and they might still be in business, but they no longer seem to be on either YouTube or Facebook and I don't believe I've ever seen them on Twitter or Google+ either. Perhaps Tumblr, which seems to be the capital of porn websites, which is not a joke or even a jab, but there's a lot of porn on Tumblr. And they would tape and photographed there models in the skin-tight outfits that I just mentioned, doing what they called jeans sitting, which is a woman sitting on a man and even a man's face, with the beautiful tight strong body, in their skin-tight denim and in some cases leather jeans.
You would see these woman squatting on a man's body and even face lost as if she's going to the bathroom, but doesn't got that far. You would see these strong women who would completely dominate these young men and of course they're play acting, but that's exactly what they're doing and it's very sexy even in adult entertainment or porn form. These women would be acting as dominatrix's , who would completely dominate these men physically not by beating them up, but having them in complete submission. Sort of how third-world dictatorships, might torture their prisoners, but these guys are never in any danger and if anything like what these women are doing to them.
Speaking personally here, a woman who looks like this and is dressed like this, could dominate me like this anytime she wants. Even better if my girlfriend was doing this to me, so I wouldn't have to explain it to her or justify it. Just as long as she doesn't fart on my face which would be the las straw. She farts on my face or anywhere else on my body and I would have to say that's the straw or last anything else that you want to use. I don't care what's she wearing when she farts on my. But in all seriousness. this is about as sexy as any activity I've ever seen. And the women and men who perform in these videos are completely dressed the whole time.
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