Source:Alchetron- Dennis Hopper & Sandra Bettin.
“Helping old man over the street in traffic rush with motorcycle. Dennis Hooper of later Easy rider fame as a bad ass biker who stomps a rival and kidnaps his old lady to sell on the white.
Otra película de finales de los sesenta, si alguien cree que estoy infringiendo el copyright que me lo notifique antes de denunciarme al YouTube para quitar el video, más que nada por que.
promotional trailer 1967.”
Nadia Emerson
“The Glory Stompers (1967) Movie – Dennis Hopper – Glder Pro.” Originally from Edward Patterson, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.
Source:The Action Blog- Hollywood Goddess Sandra Bettin, in Glory Stompers. |
I’m a big fan of films from the 1960s and 1970s including b-movies or movies that seem like b-movies at the time ( like Glory Stompers ) and movies that become cult classics and cult favorites. Like Glory Stompers, because these are movies that take a lot of risks and chances. They take risks by using actors and actresses that people probably have never even seen before, let alone heard of. Dennis Hopper ( one of my favorite actors ) was not a rookie at this point, but he wasn’t a star either. Easy Rider is the movie that gave him a name and made him a star.
What I talked about last week with Broken Badges is that movies and shows like this take a lot of chances. A lot of that having to do with the fact that they almost have too, because they’re low budget and underfunded. So they have to work with people who don’t have deep resumes, but they have to find people without the names who are talented and could become stars at some point. Glory Stompers has a lot of people who aren’t names in it and never became names, but who play big roles.
Like Chis Noel who plays the kidnap victim in the movie. Sandra Bettin who plays Chino’s ( played by Dennis Hopper ) mamma in the movie. Jody McCrea plays Chris’s ( played by Chris Noel ) boyfriend who naturally comes back and saves his girlfriend from this biker gang. The fact is Chris was never in any real danger in this movie. Other than by one guy who came close to committing sexual assault against her, before Chino of all people rescued her from that guy.
Source:The Action Blog- Biker Chick Sandra Bettin and her man Dennis Hopper. |
But then this movie has key players in it that did become stars later on. Dennis Hopper who I believe is one of the best actors of his generation at least. Robert Tessier who played tough guys generally bad guys on TV a lot of the 1970s and 1980s, but was also in Burt Reynold’s The Longest Yard from 1974. Casey Kasem ( the famous disk jockey ) has a small role in the movie.
The movie has a creative plot. It’s basically about two rival biker gangs with one gang led by Chino, which is an outlaw gang who makes their money in narcotics trade and other illegal enterprises. And the other gang led by Darryl ( Chris’s boyfriend ) that I guess are the good guys at least in this battle. Bikers who are basically just looking to have a good time. That go to a lot of parties, get drunk a lot, do a lot riding, but aren’t criminals for the most part.
Source:The Action Blog- Dennis Hopper, kicking ass in Glory Stompers (1967) |
Chino doesn’t like Darryl and has his gang attack him when they find Darryl away from his gang and they attack him and think they killed him after they beat him up. Which is why they kidnapped Chris because they didn’t want to leave any witnesses. If any of them knew anything about just basic CPR and paramedics, they would’ve seen that Darryl was beat up and unconscious but not dead. And wakes up shortly after Chino’s gang takes off with Chris.
As I mentioned before Chris was never in any real danger when she was being held by the Outlaws ( for lack of a better term ) other than that one guy who tried to sexually assault her, but she was rescued almost as soon as Magoo ( played by Robert Tessier ) tried to attack her. The Outlaws were simply looking to get out of dodge and haul ass down to Mexico to collect money from a score. And then release Chris in Mexico. There really isn’t a dull scene in Glory Stompers, it does have some cheesy writing, which can come from having cheap writers. And is a very entertaining look at life in outlaw biker culture from the late 1960s.
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